Diabetes in the world

The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus has been increasing, particularly in developing countries, with a perspective of 51% of increase in the diagnosis.

In 2045 there will be 700 million people with diabetes.

Today, one of 11 adult individuals live with Diabetes: 463 MILLION PEOPLE.

Three of four individuals with Diabetes live in developing countries and two of three individuals with diabetes live in urban centers.

10% of the global amount spent in healthcare is with Diabetes and its complications: US$760 BILLION.

Diabetes in Brazil

A total of almost 17 million people is estimated to have diabetes in Brazil, which means, one of nine people have diabetes (and 46% of them do not know about it). In 2019, about 135 thousand deaths were related to the disease.

Only in the Greater São Paulo 700 thousand people are estimated to have diabetes in the complementary health system. Direct and indirect costs with Diabetes and its complications increase exponentially over the years. Most diabetes-related costs are due to complications and associated with hospital admissions

Diaverum model of Line of Care for Chronic Disease Patient
  • Coordinated and patient-centered care
  • Main professionals working in the same unit of care following pre-established guideline-based protocols
  • Easy access to the healthcare team (digital devices)
  • Patient education and empowerment stimulating their selfcare
  • Communication with stakeholders (operator, govern institutions, other society resources)
Structure of Care

Medical leadership:

  • Marcela Teixeira, MD: Endocrinology and Medical-Outpatient’s Coordination
  • Gelba Almeida, MD: Medical Director of Diaverum

Care is focused on the Ambulatorial Unit of Diaverum Tatuapé with:

  • Specific physical structure
  • 100%-program dedicated medical and care teams;
  • Telemedicine platform, electronic medical record, and an application to the patient as support to the program;
  • Measurement of health clinical indicators and outcomes shared with the partner in the program.
Principles of Care

Protocols: definition of the routine of care directed by Medical Protocols developed based on updated guidelines of the SBD (Brazilian Society of Diabetes and ADA (American Diabetes Association)

Integrated care: recognized and recommended for chronic diseases and especially for Diabetes due to its complexity

Multidisciplinary Care: data from ADA corroborate that the integrated, individualized, and patient-centered multiprofessional monitoring is associated with better clinical results and reduction of complication risk

Partnerships: Ophthalmologist, Cardiologist, Vascular Surgeon working at external services sharing information

Indicators: periodic analysis of clinical control data and health outcomes

Management: training for team alignment, results analysis, and continuous improvement processes

If you would like to know more about our Diabetes Care program, please contact us.


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